Uttarakhand Gramin Bank Jobs
Online applications are invited by Uttarakhand Gramin Bank from eligible candidates for the post ofOfficers Scale I and Office Assistant. This is a total 160 vacancies recruitment notification. Aspirants may submit their online application through UGB bank online website. The website of the bank is www.uttarakhandgraminbank.com. Online applications must be accepted on or before last date. For complete details you must see below -
Details of the bank recruitment
Name of the posts -
1. Officers
Scale I
2. Office
Total openings of anticipated posts - Various
Eligibility criteria for this
recruitment -
Required Academic Qualification - Graduate degree with good
academic record is required for this recruitment. The degree must be from any
recognized university. Proficiency in local is also required for this recruitment.
Limitation of the age for both posts - Applicants minimum age must be 18
years and not more than 28 years. Relaxation in upper age
for reserved category will apply as per government and bank rules.
Scale of pay -
Rs. 14,500
to 25,700 will be offered for Officer Scale I post.
Rs. 5200 to
20,200 will be for Office Assistant.
Useful dates to keep in mind for
this recruitment -
applications registration starting date - Declare Soon
Application registration last date - Declare Soon
How to submit online application
forms - Candidates
must apply online by the Uttarakhand Gramin bank official website
uttarakhandgraminbank.com. Please don't forget the application form must be
registered online on or before last date. At the time of applying please
active your mind and fill up the application form very carefully. After submit
the online form please take one hard copy application print out for further use
in future.
For more
information of Uttarakhand Gramin bank officer and office assistant recruitment
please visit official advertisement and then apply online very carefully.
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