Odisha Postal Circle Recruitment
Odisha Postal Circle is inviting application forms from eligible
and talented candidates for the recruitment of GDS (Gramin Dak
Sevak). If you want to participate in Odisha Postal Circle Recruitment, then submit application forms without any mistake.
Are you searching jobs in Odisha Postal Circle? If yes then you are on right place. Here on this page we are informing you about Odisha Postal Circle latest recruitment advertisement. Odisha Postal Circle is going to recruit job fighters on GDS (Gramin Dak Sevak) posts. If you want to make career in Odisha Postal Circle then it is golden chance for you. We are telling you under this recruitment notificationlots of vacant post should be filled and on each vacant post only eligible and brilliant candidate will be recruited.
Are you searching jobs in Odisha Postal Circle? If yes then you are on right place. Here on this page we are informing you about Odisha Postal Circle latest recruitment advertisement. Odisha Postal Circle is going to recruit job fighters on GDS (Gramin Dak Sevak) posts. If you want to make career in Odisha Postal Circle then it is golden chance for you. We are telling you under this recruitment notificationlots of vacant post should be filled and on each vacant post only eligible and brilliant candidate will be recruited.
If you want to participate in this recruitment then
go on internet download official advertisement and then take assessment to
apply. For this recruitment candidates can apply online. Online application forms
should be filled by Odisha Postal Circle official website which is odisha.postalcareers.in.
Candidates must also remember online application forms must be accepted on or
before last date.
odishapost.gov.in Recruitment Close Info
Name of Organizatio
Odisha Postal Circle
Name of Post
GDS (Gramin Dak Sevak)
Total Vacancies
Educational requirement
Secondary School Examination pass certificate of 10th
Last date to apply
Declare Soon
Mode of apply
Odisha Postal Circle Recruitment Full Details
S. No.
Post Name with Department
Gramin Dak Sevak Branch Postmaster (GDS BPM)
Gramin Dak Sevak Mail Deliverer (GDSMD)
Gramin Dak Sevak Mail Carrier (GDS MC)
Gramin Dak Sevak Mail Packer ( GDS Packer)
Gramin Dak Sevak Stamp Vendor (GDS Stamp Vendor)
Gramin Dak Sevak Mailman (GDSMM)
Qualification – Must possess Secondary School Examination
pass certificate of 10th standard conducted by any board of school
education in India applicants can apply for this recruitment. Job hunters are
required to furnish at least 60 days’ duration basic computer training
certificate from a recognized Computer Training Institute. Computer
Certificates from Central Government/ State Government/ University/ Boards etc
Limitation – Applicants age should be not less than 18
years and not more than 30 years. Maximum age limit of Casual Labourers should
be 35 years.
Way – Job fighters will be selected on the basis of their
performance in face Aptitude test.
Fee - General and OBC category applicants are required to pay
Rs.400/-. Job hunters belonging to Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes / physically
impaired/ Women are exempted from payment of Examination Fee.
you can apply - If you are
eligible and want to participate in this recruitment then you can submit application forms via
online mode, online application forms candidates can fill by Odisha Postal
Circle official website which is odisha.postalcareers.in. You must submit application forms on or before last date.
Remember Date:
Last Date to Apply: Declare Soon
Take a Look on Below Table
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