Chittaranjan Locomotive Works Recruitment 2017 News

Chittaranjan Locomotive Works Recruitment

Chittaranjan Locomotive Works has published news of jobs to fill up vacancies for the posts of Apprentices on different trades. Suitable and skilled applicants may send Application Form on or before last date to recruit.
All ITI diploma having candidates are advised to get format of application form, through the Official website of Chittaranjan Locomotive Works. All appointed candidates salary will be impressive. So friends don’t waste time and apply as soon as possible.

Connectivity connected with Chittaranjan Locomotive Works Recruitment is provided below on this web page for all willing appliers. Aspirants who are keen desired for this post, need to get more related content in association with applying conditions. Vacancy

Organization Name
Chittaranjan Locomotive Works
Page Info
Recruitment News
Name of posts
Academic Record
ITI or 10th/ 12th
Selection mode
Academic record
Last date to apply
Declare Soon News

Hey friends this is that opportunity for which you were waiting for your bright future with

Who can apply: see below-

Academic Record: Candidates should have passed ITI Examination (NCVT only) and must have the Certificate in the notified trades /Matriculation/ 10th class in 10+2 examination system or equivalent examination from Recognized Board.

ITI Diploma jobs: Get Now

Jobs for 10th/ 12th pass appliers: Get Now

Age Limitation: Check this out:
  • Candidates should have completed 15 years of age and should not have completed 24 years.

  • Candidates should have completed 15 years of age and should not have completed 22 years.

Selection Process: Candidates Selection will be based on marks obtained in the Matriculation Examination or 10th class in the 10+2 Examination system and having ITI certificate in the relevant trade. After selection Medical examination is going to be conduct for final selection.

Way to Apply: Check the steps given below:
  • Each and every willing applicant will have to visit the official website of Chittaranjan Locomotive Works that is
  • On the home page enter on the link as ‘News & Recruitment’
  • At 29. In the opened list move towards text as ‘Applications are invited for Act Apprentices under Apprentice Act’1961 and Apprenticeship Rules’1962, from candidates fulfilling the condition mentioned in this notification under (A) and (B) for the current year’
  • Press OK on ‘Download’ or ‘Notice’ to read the official details of posts.
  • Get format of application form from link as ‘Download Form’.
  • Fill all the corners of application by writing accurate and genuine details.
  • Paste your recent snap on form or Bio-data and documents in support of eligibility for applied post.
  • Now aspirants should send forms to following address.
  • On top of Envelope “Application for the Post of ___________” should be super scribed.

Documents List for attach with Form: Check this list-
  • Proof of qualification Matriculation (Matriculate or 10th Class in 10+2 examination system) and ITI certificate in the relevant trade affiliated to NCVT is compulsory.
  • Copies of a certificate issued by Military Authority indicating their date of enrolment and date of discharge in case of Ex-servicemen they are required to clearly indicate all required particulars including community in the application form and enclosed all documentary proof including community certificate in the prescribed format as required. However, regardless of community, ex-servicemen will be considered against the (ex-servicemen quota), if available.
  • Copies of all certificates viz. proof of date of birth, educational/technical Qualification certificate, Caste certificate, PH certificate, Ex-Serviceman certificate, OBC certificate/Creamy Layer certificate etc. duly attested by a Gazetted Officer of Central or State Govt. and bearing office seal, should be submitted along with the application.

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Important Date:
Declare Soon

Reminder: Dear visitors want to read PDF file for this recruitment program then you need to view the Official Notification and then download Application Form.

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