REET Syllabus
Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan has dictated news
related to REET Syllabus in PDF file. Now job seekers should
make up
their mind to check Exam Paper Pattern in
Hindi Level 1st, 2nd Paper to do saturated preparation for Rajasthan
Teachers Eligibility Test. Hey friends appoint as 3rd Grade teacher in
government schools you will have to qualify in this eligibility test. This web
portal is back again with highlights regarding with REET which is circulated
for all keen desired job fighters every year to test their eligibilities.
Dear passionate and educated candidates now need to prepare
according to declared official syllabus. So guys keep preparing till pass in
exam. Now don’t worry if you have desire to get more information for REET Syllabus with Exam Paper Pattern because this web page
is created to assist all of you. Hey fiends if you are not feeling comfortable
by self preparation then join any coaching soon. Best of luck in advance for
the success in exanimation!!
REET Syllabus Overview
REET is compulsory for both primary level (I-V) and upper
primary (Class VI-VIII) schools in the state. Check this section carefully.
Syllabus for
Level-1st (For a person who intends to be a teacher
for Class I to V) as RTET
- Development and Pedagogy
- English (Language-I)
- Hindi (Language-I)
- Sindhi (Language-I)
- Punjabi (Language-I)
- Urdu (Language-I)
- Sanskrit (Language-I)
- Gujarati (Language-I)
- English (Language-II)
- Hindi (Language-II)
- Sindhi (Language-II)
- Punjabi (Language-II)
- Urdu (Language-II)
- Sanskrit (Language-II)
- Gujarati (Language-II)
- Mathematics & Science
- Social Studies
Syllabus for
Level-2nd (For a person who intends to be a teacher
for Class VI to VIII)-
- Development and Pedagogy
- English (Language-I)
- Hindi (Language-I)
- Sindhi (Language-I)
- Punjabi (Language-I)
- Urdu (Language-I)
- Sanskrit (Language-I)
- Gujarati (Language-I)
- English (Language-II)
- Hindi (Language-II)
- Sindhi (Language-II)
- Punjabi (Language-II)
- Urdu (Language-II)
- Sanskrit (Language-II)
- Gujarati (Language-II)
- Mathematics & Science
- Social Studies
REET Level 1st, 2nd
Paper Pattern: REET is conducted through 02 papers as according
its latest exam pattern. The candidates’ who apply for primary level
(Class I-V) have to appear in only one paper and the candidates who applied for
upper primary level (Class VI-VIII) have to appear in both examination which
have multiple choices as their answers.
RTET Paper I (for classes I to V): Check this out-
Duration of examination –
one-and-a-half hours
Structure and Content (All
Compulsory): Rajasthan Teachers Eligibility Test
(i) Child Development and Pedagogy
30 MCQs
30 Marks
(ii) Language I
30 MCQs
30 Marks
(iii) Language II
30 MCQs
30 Marks
(iv) Mathematics
30 MCQs
30 Marks
(v) Environmental Studies
30 MCQs
30 Marks
150 MCQs
150 Marks
RTET Paper II (for classes VI to VIII): Check now-
Duration of examination – 90
and Content: as RTET-
(i) Child Development & Pedagogy (compulsory)
30 MCQs
30 Marks
(ii) Language I (compulsory)
30 MCQs
30 Marks
(iii) Language II (compulsory)
30 MCQs
30 Marks
(iv)(a) For Mathematics and Science teacher: Mathematics and Science
(b) For Social Studies/Social Science teacher: Social Science (c) For any other teacher: either (a) or (b) |
60 MCQs
60 MCQs |
60 Marks
60 Marks |
Selection Process: There
will declare a Merit List after the written examination. Selection is in the
hands of applicants if they achieve good marks.
Way to download REET syllabus
Applicants need to check these steps to get this syllabus.
All job seekers will have to visit the official website. On the home page you
will see entire syllabus of each categories (if present). Select and open all
links one by one. Download in your desktop to study better then the best.
Important Links:
- Jobs in teaching sector: Get Today
- Written Exam Preparation Tips & Tricks: Full Details
- How to Prepare for Exams to achieve good marks: Full Details
- How to Download a Hall Ticket or Admit Card Online: Full Details
- Other Jobs in Rajasthan: Get Today
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