ICICI Bank Sales Officer Recruitment
Welcome to all those candidates who are desperate for bank jobs.
Dear job searchers, 350 vacancies for the posts
of Sales Officer are advertised by Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI Bank) to appoint fearless and eligible candidates. Applicants should apply for Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Bank Sales Officer Jobs by filling ICICI Online application form on or before the last date. Zeal and dedicated candidates need to qualify in endurance Test and then interview. To apply match all requirement connected to post then look official website of Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India.
of Sales Officer are advertised by Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI Bank) to appoint fearless and eligible candidates. Applicants should apply for Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Bank Sales Officer Jobs by filling ICICI Online application form on or before the last date. Zeal and dedicated candidates need to qualify in endurance Test and then interview. To apply match all requirement connected to post then look official website of Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India.
Applying procedure
with respect to ICICI Bank Sales Officer Recruitment and information
connected to posts are provided below on this web page for the candidates
of this web portal for secure job. Now read more carefully to catch a offered
post. So apply soon to grab this long run career chance. Apply online before
the last date. All the best to the applicants
of this state for this golden opportunity of bank job on a large scale!
www.icicicareers.com Sales Officer Recruitment Fine Details
Organization Name
Industrial Credit and
Investment Corporation of India
Name of post
Sales Officer
Selection Process
Test/ Interview
Age Limit
20 to 25
Mode of apply
Last date to apply
Declare Soon
ICICI Bank Sales Officer Recruitment Details:
More details are
mentioned below for all the visitors of this web page where you are now.
ICICI Vacancies:
Sales Officer
can apply: Dear aspirants see
these headings then apply -
Records – Applicants who are ready to apply for ICICI Bank Sales Officer
recruitment they must have done graduate in Arts(B.A.) and Graduate in Commerce
and Graduate in Science(B.Sc.) or post graduate in relevant discipline from a
recognized university / Institute.
limits – Age limitation of the
candidates must be in between 20 (twenty) years to 25 (twenty five) years
Age Relaxation: Relaxation and Reservation in age for
reserved category applicants will be decided as per the organization norms.
Recruitment Process – Candidates will be
appointed on the basis of their performance in written test / Interview.
No TA / DA will be reimbursed to applicants for appearing in selection
Salary Scale - Selected candidates
will get the impressive salary package form the Industrial Credit and
Investment Corporation of India.
How you can apply –
- First of all applicants need to look the official website of maharojgar that is www.maharojgar.gov.in.
- After that go to the ‘Current Jobs’ section and select “Jobs posted on Maharojgar Portal” link
- Then should select the “Private” option and find ICICI bank recruitment link
- Then read all information properly and candidates who have fulfilled eligibility criteria can apply online
- To apply candidates go to the link of “Login to View & Apply Eligible Vacancies” link.
- Now fill up the form accurately and upload all educational documents (if required), recent scanned passport size photograph and digital signature in provided space
- Then submit application form within given time period
Important Dates:
Last date of Online Application Receipt: Declare Soon
Reminder: Dear applicants, if you think that
there is other details required to apply then must watch details in Official Link.
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