Jharkhand SSC TGT PGT Teacher Admit Card
Jharkhand Staff
Selection Commission is going to operate written exam of trained graduate
teacher and post graduate
teacher in upcoming days for all aspirants who have applied for this job notice to be a part of Jharkhand Staff
Selection Commission. Before exam whole eligible contenders need to download Jharkhand SSC TGT/ PGT
Teacher Admit Card. For all information’s regarding admit card you are
required to read complete this web page very attentively.
Jharkhand Staff
Selection Commission had declared Jharkhand SSC TGT / PGT Teacher
recruitment advertisement and lots of aspirants have applied for it to obtain
job in Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission. Now eligible and interested aspirants
must ready to obtain admit card through this web page. Please download exam
pattern and syllabus of Jharkhand SSC TGT/ PGT Teacher from official website to
start preparation in exact manner.
All job seekers who have
applied for TGT / PGT Teacher post, a call letter will required for them
because without Jharkhand SSC TGT/ PGT Teacher exam admit card nobody will not be
allowed to sit in this upcoming exam. So first of all capable job contenders
should get trained graduate teacher /post graduate teacher exam call
letter to enter in the examination room. Dear aspirants, entry card must
be exact, means aspirants identities must be match during verification time.
Eligible and talented
job contenders may obtain all details about admit card of TGT / PGT Teacher by
the assist of official website of Jharkhand Staff Selection
Commission which is www.jssc.in. So
open this site and obtain latest details connected to Jharkhand SSC TGT/ PGT
Teacher admit card.
Basic Details of www.jssc.in TGT/ PGT Teacher Exam Admit Card
Name of the Organization
Jharkhand Staff
Selection Commission
Name of the Post
Trained Graduate
Teacher and Post Graduate Teacher
Information About
Jharkhand SSC TGT/
PGT Teacher Admit Card
Exam Date
Published soon
Available very Soon
www.jssc.in TGT/ PGT Teacher exam Overview
Dear job contenders to
download admit card of trained graduate teacher / post graduate teacher
you must follow simple steps which are published below.
Easy Steps to download Jharkhand
SSC TGT/ PGT Teacher Admit Card
- First of all contenders need to be online through internet network.
- Then contenders must log on to official website of Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission that is www.jssc.in
- There you can see lots of latest news and events.
- You should choose an admit card option.
- Applicants are required to fill all the formalities which are required in application form.
- Admit card will be available on your desktop’s screen.
- Now, download hall ticket to attend the written exam easily.
- Take a hard copy of an admit card for future use.
For more queries you can
contact us with the help of provided below comment box. We will well answer you
as soon as possible.
Selection Mode: Job contenders who have
applied for it they are required to appear Written Test and Interview.
Applicants who will get success in these phases of selection mode they will get
job in Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission. So here we are publishing exam
pattern completely for you. So please have a look at -
Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) Exam Pattern
Sr. No
Prelims Exam
General Knowledge and Hindi
Mains Exam
Related Subject Knowledge
TGT Prelims Exam
- Jharkhand SSC Trained Graduate Teacher Prelims Exam is for – 200 Marks.
- Syllabus for JSSC Trained Graduate Teacher Prelims Exam is General Knowledge and Hindi.
- Total number of questions are 200 where each question carries one mark.
- 33 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
Take a Look on Below Table
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