UP TGT PGT Previous Year Question Papers
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www.upsessb.org TGT PGT Previous Year Question Paper Overview
UP TGT PGT Previous Question Papers
Question 1: Gulf cooperation council was originally
formed by
1. Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and
United Arab Emirates
2. Second World Nations
3. Third World Nations
4. Fourth World Nations
Answer: 1
Question 2: First China War was fought between
1. China and Britain
2. China and France
3. China and Egypt
4. China and Greek
Answer: 1
Question 3: For which of the
following disciplines is Nobel Prize awarded?
1. Physics and Chemistry
2. Physiology or Medicine
3. Literature, Peace and Economics
4. All of the
Answer: 1
Question 4: Hitler party which came into power in
1933 is known as
1. Labour Party
2. Nazi Party
3. Ku-Klux-Klan
4. Democratic Party
Answer: 2
Question 5: Inner circumference of 15 cm wide tyre
is 220 cm, Find the radius of full tyre.
1. 35
2. 45
3. 50
4. 55
Answer: 3
6: If a boy
scored 76% marks, but in result by mistake it was written 67%. The difference
was of 468 marks. Find the original marks obtained by the boy.
1. 5200
2. 3484
3. 4800
4. 3952
Answer: 4
Question 7: The average marks
obtained by x, y & z are 84. The average marks of x and y is 78 and the
average marks of y and z are 85. Find the marks of z.
1. 74
2. 96
3. 82
4. 78
Answer: 2
8: The maximum numbers of Anglo
Indians who can be nominated to the Lok Sabha are -
1. 3
2. 2
3. 5
4. 4
Answer: 2
Question 9: If “LIFE” is coded as MHHC then “GLASS”
will be coded?
Answer: 2
Question 10: The wages of 10 workers for a six-day
week is Rs. 1200. What are the one day’s wages of 4 workers?
1. 40
2. 32
3. 80
4. 24
Exam Pattern
Sr. NO
Subject Name
Written Exam
General Knowldge
General English
Numerical Ability
Concerned Subject
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