CCS University Syllabus
Hey guys now at this time you are on
jobsalerthub CCS University Syllabus page. Here we are writing
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regarding CCS
university syllabus. Chaudhary Charan Singh University is amenable to
operate various UG/ PG exam. If you are also one of the applicants who are
going to attend BA/BCOM/BBA/BSC/MA etc exam then you may quickly check
your UG/ PG Syllabus or download pattern of the paper from here.
Chaudhary Charan Singh University has unfolded an advertisement of CCS
University Syllabus PDF for applicants who are suitable to present in UG/ PG
examination. CCS University BA/BCOM/BBA/BSC/MA examination will be operated
soon by university so eligible applicants should start their preparation in
exact manner.
We know our viewers, what is required very well so for that
purpose we have created this web page with CCS University UG / PG exam syllabus
and exam pattern info only for you. With the help of CCS University UG / PG exam
syllabus, you may prepare to yourself in best way. Believe on us your
confidence level will be increased and it result will show you in exam after
check provided syllabus completely and carefully. Here is published syllabus of
CCS University by which you may get an idea regarding written exam.
Eligible and interested students should check UG / PG previous
year solved model question paper to best preparation. If you have desire to
beat examination of CCS University BA/BCOM/BBA/BSC/MA easily then you are
required to a well-built syllabus that is available on this web page. From underneath
section of this web page appearing students may obtain direct link to download UG / PG syllabus with pattern. Applicants
should visit official website of this University that is UG/ PG Syllabus
of the University
Charan Singh University
of the Exam
PG Exam
Declare Soon
| UG/ PG Syllabus
This Page Includes:
- CCS University BA Syllabus
- CCS University B.Sc Syllabus
- CCS University B.Com Syllabus
- CCS University BBA Syllabus
- CCS University M.A Syllabus
- CCS University M.Sc syllabus
Hey visitors if you want to obtain complete info of UG/ PG syllabus
in PDF format with exam pattern then no need to go anywhere because all info is
published below on this web page.
BA Syllabus:
- Home – Management and Housing
- Objectives
- Home Management
- Housing
- Interior Decoration–Part I
- Interior Decoration–Part II
- Extension Education
- Extension Education
- Community Approach
- Communication
- Community Health
- Safety Measures
- Project work on Money – Management
- Floor Decoration- Alpana and Rangoli.
- Flower Arrangement-Fresh and Dry arrangements.
- Make any one Audio Visual Aids —Poster, Chart, Flesh cards, Puppets
B.Sc Syllabus:
Diversity of Viruses, Bacteria, & Fungi:
- History, nature and classification of Viruses, Bacteria and Fungi
- Viruses
- Bacteria
- Fungi
- CCS University Question Paper
Diversity of Algae, Lichens, and Bryophytes:
- General characters
- The characteristics and life cycles
- Bryophytes
- Gametophyte and saprophytic organization
Diversity of Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and elementary
- Pteridophytes
- Filicopsida
- Gymnosperms
- Coniferales
B.Com Syllabus
Business Communication:
- Introducing Business Communication
- Self-Development and Communication
- Corporate Communication
- Principles of Effective Communication
- Writing Skills
- Report Writing
- Non-Verbal Aspects of Communicating
Business Statistics:
- Introductory
- Statically Investigation
- Diagrammatic And Graphic Presentation
- Statistical Average
- Dispersion And Skew Ness
- Correlation
- Analysis Of Time Series
- Index Numbers
- Indian Statistic
- CCS University Sample Paper
Financial Accounting:
- Meaning and Scope of Accounting
- Accounting Principles
- Accounting Transactions
- Capital and Revenue
- Final accounts
- Insolvency accounts
- Branch Accounts
- Hire-purchase and installment purchase system
- Royalties Accounts
- Partnership Accounts
Business Regulatory:
- Law of Contract (1872)
- Special Contracts
- Sale of Goods Act 1930
- Negotiable Instrument Act 1881
- The Consumer Protection Act 1986
- Foreign Exchange Management Act 2000
Business Economics:
- Introduction
- Elasticity of Demand
- Production Function
- Theory of Costs
- Market Structures
- Factor Pricing-l
- Factor Pricing-ll
- Effective Time Table For Studies
Business Environment:
- Indian Business Environment
- Economic Trends (overview)
- Problems of Growth
- Role of Government
- The Current Five Year Plan
- International Environment
- CCS University Date Sheet
BBA Syllabus
Business Organization:
- Meaning and definition of business essentials
- Business Unit, Establishing a new business unit
- Forms of Business Organization
- Business Combination
- Business Finance
Business Mathematics:
- Matrix
- Inverse of Matrix
- Percentage, Ratio and Proportion, Average, Mathematical Series-Arithmetic, Geometric & Harmonic, Simple Interest & Compound Interest.
- Set theory
- Concept of Differentiation and Integration
Principles of Economics:
- Definition, Nature, Scope & Limitation of Economics
- Meaning of demand
- Production-Meaning and Analysis Production function
- Theories of factor pricing, factor pricing v/s product pricing
- How to find online Study Material
Book Keeping and Basic Accounting:
- Meaning of book keeping
- Accounting Equation
- Rectification of errors preparation of bank reconciliation Statement, Bills of Exchange and promissory notes.
- Valuation of stocks, accounting treatment of depreciation
- Issue of shares and debentures
Business Laws:
- Indian Contract Act
- Contingent contract, Implied, Quasi contract, Indemnity Contract, Guarantee contract, Bailment, Lien, Pledge contract, Agency contract.
- Sales of Goods Act
- Indian Partnership Act
- Definition Features Types Recognition and Endorsement of Negotiable Instruments
Fundamentals of Management:
- Introduction Concepts, Objectives, Nature Scope and significance of management
- Planning
- Organizing
- Directing
- Controlling
- How Can You Write Fast In Exams?
Business Ethics:
- Business Ethics
- Work life in Indian Philosophy
- Relationship between Ethics & Corporate Excellence
- Gandhian Philosophy of Wealth Management-Philosophy of Trusteeship
- Corporate Social Responsibility
Take a Look on Below Table
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