Anganwadi Salary
Integrated Child Development Services is the choice of lots of
candidates who want to be a part of government field. Those
aspirants who have keen desire to know regarding Anganwadi salary for them team of jobsyllabusadmitcard team is publishing details about Anganwadi Worker Salary.
Here we have all the details of ICDS Anganwadi Worker Pay Slip so suitable job contenders must read this content to check salary package of Anganwadi Worker completely. After reading this web page wholly, eligible applicants should start their preparation / start to apply for ICDS Anganwadi Worker employment notice.
aspirants who have keen desire to know regarding Anganwadi salary for them team of jobsyllabusadmitcard team is publishing details about Anganwadi Worker Salary.
Here we have all the details of ICDS Anganwadi Worker Pay Slip so suitable job contenders must read this content to check salary package of Anganwadi Worker completely. After reading this web page wholly, eligible applicants should start their preparation / start to apply for ICDS Anganwadi Worker employment notice.
We are informing that all the contenders who will appoint in Integrated
Child Development Services on anganwadi worker they will acquire impressive pay
scale from this government organization that is published below. All job
seekers who want to join this reputed organization they must have done required
education qualification & age limit.
Those aspirants who are capable to apply for ICDS anganwadi
worker they can know all the info of salary package from this web page before
apply in proper manner. In below segment of this web page we are publishing Anganwadi
Worker Pay Scale List to check by applying applicants.
This organization is an Indian
government welfare programme. Integrated Child
Development Services gives food, preschool education, and primary
healthcare to children less than six (6) years of age and their mothers. Available
services are provided from Anganwadi centres recognized mainly in rural
areas and staffed with frontline workers.
Dear candidates we are going to tell you that ICDS Scheme is one
of the flagship programmes of the Govt of India and represents one of the
world’s leading and utility programmes for early childhood care and growth.
Dear aspirants it is the leading symbol of country’s arrearages to its children
and nursing mothers, as a response to the challenge of providing pre-school
non-formal education on one hand and breaking the violent cycle of
malnutrition, morbidity, reduced learning capacity and mortality on the other. Anganwadi Worker Salary Short Info
Organization Name
Integrated Child Development Services
Page Info
Anganwadi Salary
Exam Name
Anganwadi Worker
Salary Package
Published below
Official Website
| Anganwadi Worker Pay Scale Full Info
ICDS State Wise Worker Pay Details
UP Anganwadi worker Salary mandey latest
News increases for Anganwadi Rs. 3200 + 800: 4000, Mini Anganwadi Rs. 2250
+ 750: 3000, Sahayak Rs. 1600 + 400: 2000.
- For Anganwadi Revised Salary: Rs. 4000
- For Minim Anganwadi: Rs. 3000
- For Sahayak: Rs. 2000
Take a Look on Below Table
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