Hay guys this web page is made by jobsyllabusadmitcard team
member. The purpose of designing of this web page is to
inform capable
candidates about DRDO CEPTAM 09 Result. All applicants, who have
participated in technician A/ STA-B/ junior translator/ stenographer grade II/
store assistant ‘A’ exam & they are waiting for their result.
Dear applicants if you also one of them who attended it then you should not worry
because result will declare very soon by Defence Research and Development
Organization. This written exam was conducted for applicants, who want to
get job in this reputed organization. The reason of conducting this
exam is to provide job on technician A/ STA-B/ junior translator/
stenographer grade II/ store assistant ‘A’ by Defence Research and Development
Lots of applicants attended this recruitment exam but eligible
& talented candidates will pass in this written exam so appeared candidates
should know that they are qualified or not. Applicants must check their result
through written below steps easily. Now technician
A/ STA-B/ junior translator/ stenographer grade II/ store assistant ‘A’
examination is over, every applicant who appeared in this examination they are
waiting for their DRDO CEPTAM 09 Result. Various candidates will
get success in this required exam and they all will able to take part in other
rounds of selection process so check this upcoming result as soon as possible.
All job contenders, who want to get this big chance of government job they need
to get more marks in technician A/ STA-B/ junior
translator/ stenographer grade II/ store assistant ‘A’ exam.
Defence Research and Development Organization will upload
this result on their authorized website that is www.drdo.gov.in in
upcoming days shortly. Countdown has started for result of technician A/ STA-B/ junior translator/ stenographer
grade II/ store assistant ‘A’ by eligible applicants to check it. From
this page you will capable to get all important info about Technician
A/ STA-B/ Junior Translator/ Stenographer Grade II/ Store Assistant ‘A’ Cut Off
Marks Merit List like how to check the result and short info etc.
www.drdo.gov.in Result Short Details
Research and Development Organization
of the Exam
A/ STA-B/ Junior Translator/ Stenographer Grade II/ Store Assistant ‘A’
on this page
CEPTAM 09 Result
Test, computer based online test, optical mark recognized based screening
test, Interview, Document verification, Trade test or skill test
of Result
www.drdo.gov.in Result Whole Details
You may follow published below steps to check technician A/ STA-B/ junior translator/ stenographer
grade II/ store assistant ‘A’ exam Result easily
Way to Check DRDO CEPTAM 09 Exam Result:
- Exited and eligible candidates must visit the Official Website of Defence Research and Development Organization which is www.drdo.gov.in.
- On the home page, go through “What’s New” section.
- Now candidates should press on the suitable link.
- Candidates must fill complete required details link booklet no, roll no. etc and press enter on submit button.
- Candidates can wait for few moments and see computer screen.
- Now you can also download technician A/ STA-B/ junior translator/ stenographer grade II/ store assistant ‘A’ exam Cut Off Merit List to measure you score in advance.
- Finally, take a print out for future use
Result Status: Update soon
Reminder: Dear applicants to get more info of Cut
Off Merit List of DRDO CEPTAM 09 you must go to the Official Link.
Take a Look on Below Table
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