Jansankhya Sthirata Kosh (JSK) Recruitment
Jansankhya Sthirata Kosh (JSK) has published Latest Vacancies notification. For this Application Form is invited from willing and qualified job hunters for filling up Executive Director Posts on contract/ deputation basis.
Dear visitors of this portal this is notice of Vacancies & Application Form for www.jsk.gov.in Recruitment. This
organization invites duly filled applications in prescribed format from
eligible and skilled candidates for the recruitment
of different posts on or before last date.
Jansankhya Sthirata Kosh (Autonomous
Society under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India), is
situated in New Delhi. The method of recruitment for the post shall be either
on deputation (including short-term contract) and transfer or on contract basis
and the recruitment shall be on selection basis.
Candidates need to lift the tough responsibility because
Executive Director is really very big position. Jansankhya Sthirata Kosh is the organization which comes under
government. This is why be prepare with your documents to face an interview.
More connected information is mentioned below in support of
this post which is www.jsk.gov.in Recruitment and published on this web page by jobsalerthub for all the visitors.
www.jsk.gov.in Vacancies Application Form Details: For more
connected details about educational qualification, age limit, selection process
etc, please read below details given by jobsalerthub for all the visitors of
this web page.
Name of Post: Executive
Age limitations: The maximum age
limit for the candidates to apply on deputation shall not above 56 years.
Educational Eligibility: Applicants should have Applicants
should have Master’s degree or equivalent from a recognized
university/institute or equivalent, in Preventive and Social Medicine or Social
Science or Demography or Anthropology. Preference will be given to candidates
with Doctoral Degree in Social Science or Population Science or Operational
Research from a recognized institute or University.
Post Graduate Jobs for aspirants: Full
Experience: Fifteen years’
experience (including teaching or research work) working in Family Welfare or
Social Sector out of which five years’ experience should be in the area of
Pay scale: Selected
candidates will receive PB-4, Rs.37400-67000/- + Grade Pay Rs.10000/- (annual
increment @ 3%).
Selection Method: JSK has the right to
shortlist the candidates. Shortlisted candidates will be called for Interview
to get selected as Executive Director.
Tips to face the Interview: Full
How to Apply: Experienced and
knowledge possessing candidates may apply through prescribed application format downloaded from the official
website @ www.jsk.gov.in & www.mohfw.nic.in and submitted latest before last date. The applications shall be sent in an envelope super–scribed
“Application for the post of Executive Director, Jansankhya Sthirata Kosh”. The
postal address to send the applications is described below for all applicants.
“Check official notification”
Looking for other jobs in Delhi: Get Now
Important Date:
Last date for receipt of application form: Declare Soon
Reminder: Dear if the
information provided above related to Jansankhya
Sthirata Kosh (JSK) Recruitment then please open the links posted
Take a Look on Below Table
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