RVSKVV Recruitment
Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya (RVSKVV), Gwalior is brought to you jobs web page having details related to RVSKVV Recruitment to fill up various vacancies. To make career in this organization rvskvv.nic.in Various Posts Application Form is invited before last date.
A latest advertisement has been issued by RVSKVV for which this organization is
inviting application form from all desired
and qualified job seekers for filling up the various vacancies for the posts of Director, Associate Director, and
Dean. Such applicants who have latent and education to do these jobs may apply by sending application before closing date to submit forms.
Other connected details related to this post like age,
education, vacancies, process of selection, how to apply and official
notifications are published below on this web page where you are at present to
get prestigious job.
rvskvv.nic.in Various Posts
Application Form Info: Hey friends this is that opportunity for which you
were waiting for your bright future with jobsalerthub.
Total no. of vacancies: Various
Name of the post with
Vacancies Info:
I. Director: Various
1. Research Services: Various
2. Extension Services: Various
3. Instruction & Student Welfare: Various
II. Associate Director Research: Various
III. Vishwa Vidhyalaya Librarian: Various
IV. Dean: Various
Educational Qualification: Applicants should have Doctoral
Degree in the relevant subject (any branch of Agriculture/ Horticulture
Science) or related field with 05 years experience as Professor/Principal
Scientist or an equivalent position for S. No. I & IV posts. Doctoral
degree must be there in the appropriate subject with minimum 10 publications as
books and /research/ policy papers for S. No. II posts, Library Science/
Information Science/ Documentation or equivalent degrees of a foreign /Indian
University with experience for S. No. III posts.
Latest jobs for Post Graduate Degree: Get Details
PhD candidates can get more options of vacancies: Get Details
Age Limitations: Applicants maximum age limit is 60 years for
Directors and Dean, 50 years for Associate Director Research and equivalent
post. No maximum age limit for ICAR/ RVSKVV employees.
Selection Process: Candidates will have
to apply at first. Shortlisted candidates will be called
for Interview round.
Interview Preparation Tips: Get
Fee: Job seekers will have to pay application fee of Rs.
600/- for General and OBC Candidates and Rs. 300/- for SC/ ST Candidates, in
form of Bank Draft in favor of Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi
Vishwavidyalaya, Gwalior, payable at Gwalior.
How to Apply: Qualified and interested candidates are required
to apply offline through the website of RVSKVV
that is www.rvskvv.nic.in. First of all aspirants need to download the specific format of
application form. Then fill all the corners of it by writing accurate and genuine
details. Paste recent snap and attach documents in support of eligibility for
applied post. This is the time to send duly filled application on the official address on or before last date:
Jobs are here in MP through this link: Complete
Date to be keep in Mind:
Closing date for receipt of application form: Declare Soon
Note: Those Job
hunters who want to get daily updates of latest jobs and education like admit
card, results, recruitment, syllabus and answer key they can register
their e-mail address on or mail subscription box. Dear visitors also like
us on Facebook and follow on Google plus.
Reminder: If visitors want
to read PDF file of this recruitment program then they need to view the Official Link and see option as
“Important Notice”.
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